Reviewing the literatureJoanna Smith, Helen Noble
20 October 2015
What is an Odds Ratio? What does it mean?Allison Shorten, Brett Shorten
11 September 2015
Validity and reliability in quantitative studiesRoberta Heale, Alison Twycross
15 May 2015
Issues of validity and reliability in qualitative researchHelen Noble, Joanna Smith
4 February 2015
Which statistical tests should I use?Allison Shorten, Brett Shorten
26 November 2014
Bias in researchJoanna Smith, Helen Noble
5 August 2014
Service evaluation, audit and research: what is the difference?Alison Twycross, Allison Shorten
14 May 2014
CorrectionBMJ Publishing Group Ltd and RCN Publishing Company Ltd
10 August 2012
Selecting the sampleAllison Shorten, Calvin Moorley
21 February 2014
Qualitative data analysis: a practical exampleHelen Noble, Joanna Smith
20 November 2013