There is no evidence to suggest that ET feeding improves survival in people with severe dementiaKaren Harrison-Dening26 November 2021
Identification of palliative care needs at the end of life for dementia patients can decrease acute hospital care needs and admissionsNicole Zhang, Odessa Mattsson19 January 2022
Learn, recognise and prevent adverse drug reactions/events in elderly hospitalised patientsKishore Karri, Pradeep Yarra18 January 2022
Simple preoperative frailty screening may identify older people with increased needs for discharge planning post surgeryJo Booth22 February 2021
Emotional supportive care for first-degree relatives of deceased people with COVID-19: an important but neglected issueSaivash Moradi3 September 2021
Frailty as part of the disablement process: calling for health economic interventionsRainier Moreno-Lacalle6 May 2021
Depression and social isolation are associated with loneliness among seniors with mild-to-moderate dementia—findings from the IDEAL cohort studyPaolo Mazzola24 December 2020
Malnutrition is a significant predictor of hospitalisation outcomes among older adults with sepsisMahendar Vyasabattu, Pradeep Yarra1 December 2020